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Welcome all of our amazing presenters for #MWFF18!

Courtney Allen   ft. Kelsey Hassevoort

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Strength Training with Barbells: Lessons from BODYPUMP, Cycle Programming for Safety, Engagement, and Effectiveness

Strength Training with Barbells: Lessons from BODYPUMP

Join us for a BODYPUMP demonstration, a tried and true format for muscular resistance training. BODYPUMP principles can be applied to other strength formats to help participants move with safe form and achieve fast results. Expect to sweat and gain some takeaways you can apply right away!


Cycle Programming for Safety, Engagement, and Effectiveness

Indoor cycle remains a popular, effective, and versatile class format for diverse audiences. This session will review proper bike fit and setup, which ensures participants a safe and comfortable ride. We will also demonstrate how incorporating great music and new drills can engage and inspire your participants. Come ride with us!


Adrienne Ansel

Bowling Green State University
Hip Hop Fitness

Adrienne is a senior at BGSU majoring in Exercise Science with a minor in Dance. 


Tired of the elliptical? Try this dance cardio class that incorporates dance choreography with traditional cardio moves for a high-energy fitness class. Finish class learning hip hop choreography that leaves you and your participants feeling fierce, sweaty, ad strong! Learn new dance moves, cueing techniques, and get inspired with this unique class format...and make sure to bring the funk!





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Kyle Arabit

Marshall University
HIIT Training

Kyle is a 1st year MBA student at Marshall University.


The objective of this presentation is to provide other fitness professionals an insight on how to create a group HITT style workout. We will go over proper and effective cueing for group and individuals, as well as proper formatting of clssses to fit any group size, while still keeping the class fun and exciting. 



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Marisa Arakawa

Purdue University 

During this presentation, a model cycling class will be presented and explained on how to cue and accurately teach while cycling. This class will be sweaty and interactive, but overall super fun and educative! 




Kathy Barnas 

ft. Byron Chen

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
Functional Movement Screening 

During this interactive lecture we will discuss why we start off our clients with a FMS screen and how to properly administer one. We will discuss what each exercise measures, how that will impact the client's training, as well as how clients can improve their scores and solutions to any problems discovered during the process. 



Nicolle Beiglarbeigi

Ohio State University 
Power of Music: The Rhythm of Fitness

Tempo, Rhythm, Beat! Experience The Power of Music: The Rhythm of Fitness. In this presentation you will have the opportunity to enhance your knowledge of music's influence on participant motivation and selecting music for your fitness classes. Setting the tone to your fitness class creates an empowering experience for participants- come learn how to lead with rhythm! 



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Aaron Carlson

Northern Illinois University 
Learning to Love Language- The 2018 Language Toolbox 

The participants, clients, and staff who make our programs so wonderful are diverse. They hold different visible and invisible identities, come from various cultural backgrounds, and encompass a complex range of abilities. One of the steps we can take as fitness professionals to accommodate members and make them more comfortable is to be more mindful, respectful, and aware of the language we use. This presentation will give instructors, trainers, and supervisors an updated language toolbox that will help to foster a more inclusive and motivating recreation environment for all. 



Amanda Chung

ft. Jennifer Bishop, Jessica Evans, James Huntsinger, Jeremy Lippman, Anisa Nandy

University of Illinois Chicago
Common Movement Dysfunctions: Assessing the Kinetic Chain 

This presentation will explore common movement dysfunctions that personal trainers and group fitness instructors may encounter in their work with clients or participants. We will discuss the value of the kinetic chain in identifying contributors to movement dysfunction. Attendees will learn ways to increase communication between personal trainers/group instructors and therapists to improve patient/client health and safety. 



Kourtney Clark

ft. Amber Jones

Indiana University
HIIT it Hard!

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is all about keeping the heart rate up and burning fat in an efficient amount of time. This session will help attendees learn how to incorporate variety in programming using high intensity interval training to keep both group exercise sessions and personal training sessions fun and fresh. The session will be presentation, question and answer, and movement. 



Macy Cooper

Purdue University
Cueing To Non-Native English Speakers

This presentation will be an interactive experience focusing on the population of those seeking fitness at any level, where English may not be their first or primary language. We will be covering and practicing cueing to those of all levels of fitness as well as fluencies of English.


Lauren Covetta

Ohio State University
MyoMind: Mastering Mental and Physical Strength Through Fitness

My own wellness journey and time as a Group Fitness Instructor has led me to understand the importance of holistic health – how the mental, emotional, social, and physical components work simultaneously to obtain an optimal state of being. This presentation will demonstrate the interconnectedness of both mental and physical health through personal anecdotes, scientific research, and mentally cognizant approaches to strength-format classes. The discussion will expand upon how improving mental health can be both an intrinsic motivator and external effect of attending physically demanding group fitness classes. Following the 15-minute presentation, I will lead a 35-minute strength-format class and implement motivational cueing techniques which encourage the mind to persevere and the body to overcome challenges at hand – those of which are unique to each participant.


Marcela Cruz Hace

Purdue University
Bellydance - Romantic Oriental Style

Bellydance is an ancient art that connects the dancer in spirit, mind, and body; facilitating to express emotions, release stress and strengthen the body through beautiful isolations and moves. In this workshop, we will break down a romantic oriental style Bellydance choreography by Marcela, recently awarded Miss Bellydance Mexico that will allow us to express ourselves and strengthen our body through movement. No experience necessary, so everybody is welcome!



Gwendolyn Derk

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Iyengar Yoga: Total Absorption/ Iyengar Yoga for Low Back Pain

Iyengar Yoga Total Absorption: Iyengar Yoga is meditation in action. This class will not only help to increase strength and flexibility but will also guide students to become fully absorbed and present. Students of all levels are welcome in this class.   

Iyengar Yoga for Lower Back Pain: This class will provide a brief overview of the world of yoga therapy, including some of the latest research on the therapeutic applications for low back pain. Students will be taught a sequence of asanas that if practiced regularly can relieve back pain and also prevent future flare-ups. Students of all levels are welcome in this class.

Jessica Elsaid

Central Michigan University
Blindfold Yoga

Blindfold Yoga will demonstrate how to enhance the university experience for those with different abilities. Participants will learn be provided with an experience of flowing through asanas based on auditory cues.


Sara Gardner

ft. Alina Tiber
Ohio State University

This presentation will review the different kettlebell exercises and instruct how to perform uncommon movements. We will work to develop new, higher level skills and discover how to incorporate into a class setting. During this class, we will also encourage discussion about how kettlebell equipment and movement patterns can enhance your group fitness classes or personal training sessions for others and how to incorporate new movements to lead participants through an example kb workout/circuit.


Hope Garland

Purdue University
Storytelling in Group Fitness

As group fitness instructors, we are storytellers tasked with the challenge of creating exciting and engaging experience for participants … every single week. In this presentation, you will learn a new way to create compelling class experiences using literary elements like plot, setting, theme and voice. I am excited to present a new way to approach class design, through the creative lens of storytelling.


Annie Goldstein

Ohio State University
Pedal to the Playlist

Learn to use music to construct a cycle class that has diverse sets, proper class flow, and maximize intensity. Annie is going to instruct how to use music to climb hills, to reach anaerobic zones, to sprint, and to master rolling hills with. 


Tori Gusewelle

ft. Kelsey Brommel
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Yoga on the Water

Take your yoga poses to the next level. With the assistance of a paddle board, float on the water and perfect your moves. This class will help you increase your strength, improve your balance, and find your Zen on the water. Walk on water with us!


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Christine Hedlin

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
How to be Rockstar Inclusive

In this session, you'll try out POUND, an innovative strength conditioning format that uses drumsticks to take your workout (and your energy!) to a new level. In the process, you'll learn practical tips and easy rhetorical tricks for creating more inclusive environments in your classes. This session will be hands-on and collaborative, so come ready to share in the action. 


Brian Hood

Ohio State University
Hip Hop Fitness

Get ready to let loose, sweat it out and de-stress with this heart-pumping cardio dance class. Brian will briefly explain dance instruction and style then lead you through an hour of high-energy, choreographed dances to all your favorite hip hop songs. No previous dance experience needed.


Blanka Janicek

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Experience the original LES MILLS high-energy mixed martial-arts inspired workout that will sculpt your entire body while releasing stress and burning calories! By using cutting-edge non-contact choreography you will be challenged to up the intensity and power through every round. Come out feeling empowered while having a blast and punching your way into knockout shape


Paulina Kairys

ft. Jacob Laureano

"Fit For Two"

Fit For Two is meant for you! Grab a friend and improve your partner skills while challenging your endurance with this creative high-intensity circuit workout. You won't regret the sweat!


Alison Malik

Fact or Fiction: Basic Nutrition for Fitness Professionals

This presentation will focus on debunking common nutritional myths and legitimacy behind fad diets, providing evidenced based research to speak knowledgeably to their clients and participants, and offer different tools and resources to support continuing education within the field of nutrition.



University of Illinois Chicago

Adrianne Marx

University of Cincinnati
Mobility in Motion

Whether you are a fitness guru or rarely make it to the gym, we all have our bad posture habits. We carry stress in our shoulders, sit at desks too long, and carry heavy backpacks. Come to this session to learn about posture and some simple exercises that if implemented into workouts can help you move better both in and out of the gym as well as help to prevent injuries. Having this knowledge will  benefit you and your participants/clients by helping everyone improve their mobility and move more efficiently.


Clayton Miller

Ohio State University 
The Science Of Motivation

An in-depth look at how personal experience and evidence based research apply to motivation of individuals and groups in fitness.


Rebecca Moorhead

Ohio State University
Putting the FIT in Dance Fitness

This presentation will combine both lecture and demonstration on how to kick dance fitness classes up a notch. Through exercise science knowledge and practical experience, you will learn how to sneak fitness variations into your choreography. Come learn the ways to make your participants break a sweat while breaking it down.


Lauren Nickel

BODYFLOW, PulsePointe Barre


BODYFLOW™ is the Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates workout that builds flexibility and strength and leaves you feeling centered and calm. Controlled breathing, concentration and a carefully structured series of stretches, moves, and poses to music create a holistic workout that brings the body into a state of harmony and balance.


PulsePointe Barre

PulsePointe barre is an innovative and challenging barre experience that seamlessly weaves together traditional muscle-sculpting barre choreography with exhilarating cardio segments to define and challenge the body in a whole new way.  PulsePointe takes barre to the next level!


Erin O'Donnell

Northwestern University
The Importance of Posture

Posture is often an overlooked yet critical component of fitness. Simply moving with correct joint alignment can completely change a client's workout. This session will focus on the ramifications of chronic poor posture, and how to cue your clients out of it.


Caroline Popp

Purdue University
Hyper for ViPR?

Any clue what a ViPR is?  Hint: It’s not a snake!  In this active session, you will learn all about the piece of equipment called a ViPR and how to effectively incorporate it into teaching fitness classes or personal training sessions.  ViPR bridges the gap between movement and strength training, integrating Loaded Movement Training into group and individual trainings.  Come learn what it’s all about!


Alli Mack

University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
"Fit For Two"
Fitness Trends: Past, Present, and Future

In this presentation we will reflect on past fitness trends that have influenced today’s industry. Current trends will be discussed and a thought provoking conversation regarding the future of the industry will ensue.



Ohio State University
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Fadi Rim

ft. Vitaliy Stefanov, Niki Wardanian

University of Illinois Chicago
The Importance of Taking Vitals

Our Presentation will be focused around the importance of taking vitals as a part of the personal training session as a preventative measure to complications during exercise. The first part of the presentation will focus on listing the vital signs with brief descriptions and explanation of how they are related to personal training.  The second part of the presentation will include the tests and measures for the vital signs.  The third part will be a demonstration about how to use the Omron Blood Pressure machine provided as well as some slides explaining how to look out for vital signs changes during exercise to prevent complications.


Meg Rux

Miami University
"Thinking Bigger: Tips for Stronger Motivation"

Motivational cues and tactics can make or break a workout. Modifying or adding to the toolbox you already have can ensure patrons and clients push themselves, work hard and keep coming back. Using tactics from validation and personalization to social media and music can greatly improve patron engagement, participation, and passion.


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Daniel Scheid

University of Cincinnati
Incorporating Martial Arts Into Your Class

Martial arts require an excellent combination of strength, balance, agility, mental focus, and cardiovascular fitness, making them an invaluable tool for any instructor that wants to take their class to the next level! This presentation will show you some fun and unique techniques that can be added to any HIIT, Cardio, or Strength-based class!


Nick Shilney

Illinois State University
Cardio Combat

Cardio Combat is a high energy dance format that blends kickboxing moves with dance choreography. We will be working out to electronic, EDM, and remixed songs that get our mind and body energized.


Jackie Sherman

Illinois State University

HIITBoxing is a hybrid group fitness class inspired by the powerful movements of cardio kickboxing mixed with a taste of HIIT to elevate our heart rates in a variety of fun circuits, drills, and combinations. This is a non-contact class, meaning we will not actually make contact with any pads, and all fitness levels are welcome! Participants attending this presentation will receive a 10-minute introduction to the class format, a 35-minute HIITBoxing workout, and a brief wrap-up with opportunity for questions. Come see what the hype is all about!


Shreya Wadhwa

Loyola University Chicago
Introducing Evidence-Based Research in Group Fitness Classes

Using accurate research to promote fitness is incredibly important. The purpose of this talk is to help instructors master the art of integrating research-backed evidence and instructor expertise with the needs, values, and preferences of participants. Follow a YouTube-er? A fitness blog? Come find out what they may not be telling you.


Kari Whitmarsh

Ohio State University
Kick & HIIT

Are you ready to Kick & HIIT? This presentation will teach you how to best integrate your favorite high intensity interval training drills into your cardio kickboxing classes. With smooth transitions between combos and reaction drills interspersed throughout class, Kick & HITT is the perfect way to spice up your group fitness class. This class will for sure leave you feeling the burn and dripping in sweat!


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Josie Wielinski

Ohio State University
Tag Team TRX

 Are you looking to add motivation and fun to your workouts? Tag Team TRX is for just that. We will work through circuits with a partner to keep you accountable and the energy high. So, come with a friend or make a new one!


Hayley Ruff

Bowling Green State University

Use your breath to guide your body as we build balance and power from our core, lengthen and build our muscles, and bring awareness to our mind. Dynamic yoga is the beautiful meld of restoration and challenge. 



"Dynamic Yoga"
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